Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Contact us and we'll help you out.

What kind of donations do you accept?
Almost anything! Computers, keyboards, iPads, tablets, monitors, mice, are just a few examples.
How do I donate?
Head over to our donate page! We'll talk and schedule a drop off date.
What should I do before donating?
If you can, please factory reset your device and remove all stickers, post-its, etc.
What happens to my storage drive?
We use a tool called Darik's Boot and Nuke (DBAN) to write over and erase all storage drives. By doing so, any data is permanently removed and no longer recoverable. Alternatively, we can physically destroy your storage drive upon request by drilling through it with a drill press, and then put in our own solid-state drives (SSDs). If you'd feel more comfortable removing the storage drive(s) first, you are welcome to do so, but know that we will absolutely do it for you as well.